A journalist came across an interesting find about Nikolay Sharkov, a Bulgarian „sir“ who manages to entangle people from the country and abroad in his networks of investment fraud.
Nikolay Sharkov, moving in the public space and as Sir Nikolay Sharkov is a person representing a non-existent company TITAN EVOLUTION.
Of course, as every „ponzi“ hero also presents it as TITAN EVOLUTION GOLD, TITAN EVOLUTION INVEST and other such made-up and non-existent names.
We came to the above conclusion after checking the commercial register, which clearly shows that Nikolay Vasilev Sharkov does not have a registered company with the names mentioned above, nor does he participate in the management of such companies, because they do not exist and are a fiction of Sir Sharkov.
His presentation in the public space is interesting, which is done through small web sites of the „news blog“ type, in which, with paid publications, the native swindler manages to gain dubious fame.
Internet fame allows Sir Sharkov to become a recognizable face demonstrating a high standard of living.
He bought this fame through paid publications and interviews about himself and his gold mining project in Tanzania.
Numerous video clips and photos have been created to „bring“ authenticity and originality, and their purpose is to dispel thoughts of a possible pyramid or scheme.
With the help of social networks, Sir Sharkov and people around him (possibly), manage to promote fictitious company names, fictitious investment projects and other non-existent ones to the public.
The goal here is to „raise“ funds to start „mining gold“.
We put the words in quotation marks because after an inquiry was made in Tanzania, the country Sharkov chooses to use, in his „project“ it was found that the companies represented by him do not exist, as well as the „gold mine“…
A gold mine for the baked „trader of dreams“ is the money invested by people, people who believed in his words, video clips and photos.
A large part of the money was transferred with the help of cryptocurrencies and electronic wallets in order to avoid the legislation of the countries in which Nikolai Sharkov carries out
TITAN EVOLUTION INVEST , TITAN EVOLUTION GOLD are part of the fictitious names of companies through which the activities of the scheme are promoted
At the moment, Sir Sharkov is trying to entangle yet another fool in yet another scheme, this time by selling a house for the purpose of investment…
The comments are interesting, but more interesting is the answer of Nikolay, who finally offers a „primer“ because the person who trusted him, in his opinion, is „illiterate and uneducated“…
Impudence and insolence from a knight?
When reviewing the profile of Nikolay Sharkov on Facebook, it is found that he has indicated several jobs, we will look at one of them, which is registered in Bulgaria, but not in his name.
It is about the company „CryptoCash.bg“ (property of New Price Group OOD, according to information from their website).
As you can see, Sharkov wrote „Exchange and payment with crypto currencies.“, but upon inspection, several questionable things come out:
1.The company has another name, the domain cryptocash.bg is registered by an individual.
2. The site does not have an active crypto currency exchange system, trading in hats, T-shirts, key chains and other items with stamped logos of various companies is carried out.
3. The website is built on the WordPress system, without active „add-ons“ or tools for carrying out exchange activity, only a rotating slider is placed on which crypto currency rates can be seen.
4. Spelling errors are obvious and obvious, which suggests that the site was created by amateurs, without technical knowledge and the necessary literacy (computer or spelling).
In this publication, we shared information about Titan Evolution, Nikolay Sharkov, CryptoCash.bg and other fictional and not so much projects of Sir Sharkov.
We provide the opportunity and right of reply to the persons described in the article.
We also provide an opportunity for other lied and cheated people to contact us and tell their story!
EXPECT A CONTINUATION about the ARBISTAR system, as described by the main character in this article and the reality by which he again tries to deceive prospective investors, possibly.